A Prayer from the African Diaspora

O Divine One, I pray for peace in my heart and forgiveness. Please forgive me for the anger I feel when I constantly hear about people in European countries, the United States and Canada vehemently complain about migrants. They claim migrants will overrun their countries, diminish their cultures and take their jobs.

Forgive me for the anger I feel when I remember that Europeans invaded Africa, Asia and the Americas, rampaging and pillaging resources, people and culture. In Africa they denied your children their humanity and sold them as slaves. In the Americas, Europeans and people of European descent under the guise of 'civilizing' the original peoples, outlawed their cultures, religions and freedoms. What their diseases didn't destroy, they tried to destroy by policy and religion. In modern times, Europe and the U. S. Governments sowed the seeds of unrest that are the basis for so much conflict and war in many parts of the world today.

Forgive me and grant me the wisdom, strength and courage to do all that I can to peacefully bring about a world of justice because as long as injustice prevails, peace for the majority of your people is illusive. O Divine One, grant that not only my heart but theirs be transformed by your love. Amen.


Jo Murray said…
Vikki, thank you. You are so eloquent. You speak the truth.

May your anger be diminished and you know peace.

Much Love

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