Poem Retrospective 2

Considering that life is fleeting
and years are flying by fast
better post poems I’ve written
before I breathe my last

A Lost Treasure
Victoria Marie 2017-06-15

To you, Mary Magdalene
my thoughts keep returning
In my heart I feel kinship
grow from ember to burning

You, a women at the cross
understood his message and theology
Jesus included and loved women
a forgotten part of Christian cosmology

You walked with Jesus
first to see Christ risen
the disciples you tell
say you're histeria driven

You mistake Christ for the gardener
When Teacher calls you be name
with heart bursting, you know
You will never be the same

Apostle to Apostles, a title
Gregory the Great aimed to refute
In sermons, in art, future popes
keep on this defaming pursuit

Reclaiming your honour
A task women vigorously pursued
We celebrate your feast, your liturgy,
is for us faith-nurturing food

ln dismissing you, dismissing us
sadly, what our brothers forget
without you, without us
they stray from the path Jesus set

Recently, our Pope Francis
proclaimed your true worth
woefully, we living women
deemed less than from birth

We love our brothers and pray they
will discover our worth and our measure,
our hope, some day they'll admit
they've lost eons of God-given treasure.
Oh men, women are, amen.


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