Ash Wednesday 2013

Wednesday, February 13 is Ash Wednesday in this year of 2013.  For Christians, it is the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent.  Ashes are put on our foreheads, as the words of Ecclesiastes 3:20, “All are from the dust, and to dust all return,” are said to remind us that we are from the earth and in death we return to the earth.
In this era of degradation of the earth, let us keep in mind that in between “from the earth” and “to earth all return”, there is life.  The quality of that life depends on us.  After each stage of creation, God said “it was good” or “very good.”  This Lenten season, each of us can look inward and contemplate the mysteries of our faith, deepen our prayer life, and take time out just to “be still” and just be with our God.  Slowed down yet energized, let our outward actions show that we appreciate the love and gifts that God gave us and continues to give to us.  God’s only Son was given to us as Gift─ a Gift we didn’t appreciate.  Christ suffered and died to show us how deeply He, and by His example, we could commit to the creation of a just world.  We need to acknowledge that Christ still suffers through the suffering of all who are suffering now: people and the planet.  As followers of a Life-Giving God, let us give up actions and habits that pollute the Earth and/or contribute to injustice.  Concomitantly, we need to take up or support actions and habits that promote environmental, social and economic justice.  Join us this Ash Wednesday and we can discern what we can do or habits we can cultivate individually and together this Lent─ and hopefully beyond!  Let the peace of Christ be with you all this Lenten season.

Ash Wednesday, Soup and Solidarity
12 Noon
Samaritan House
1143 East Pender Street

Join us Wednesday, February 13th for soup and faith sharing on our Lenten journeys.  Through sharing our stories, we can help each other begin Lent in a spirit of community, solidarity and support.  All are welcome!

Contact Info: or phone: 604-339-6413


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